Ber Months

It’s Christmas time once again. Woohoo! There are so many things to be thankful and grateful for. We are breathing. We are healthy. We are well. In short, we are alive! This, by far, is one of the most challenging events in the human race. Up to this time, people are constantly asked to stay at home. Who would’ve thought that this generation will experience this? Well, parents generation have been through a lot in their youth but this is still a milestone for the world. The human race is co-existing with another virus and we have to learn to live with it. Right now, wash hands, stay home, follow health protocols..these are probably the most effective ways to fight against the battle we are faced with. An unseen battle. However, things are inevitable and unstoppable as we need to keep fighting and surviving. We are always torn at doing something or when we are about to do something…to go out to survive–that is to go to work to earn a living or to stay at home to survive– to not contribute to the spread of the virus. Either way, to continue to live healthy is what we all aim for. It may be true that we cannot go back to our normal ways especially during the holidays. The most festive time of the year. We all look forward to this season. The busy-ness of everything will not be the way it once used to be. The big and crowded parties we used to attend to left and right is opted to a minimum or limited number. Everything is downsized and controlled. Imagine attending gatherings wearing the required protection. The joy and stress of shopping especially last minute ones will definitely change. Hey! We can still party. We can still have loud music. We can still sing with the family or few loved ones around but extra careful, of course. This is our reality now. We are left with many perspectives in dealing with this situation. In one way or the other, everyone was faced with a not-so-good feeling and that is perfectly normal. It is okay not to be okay and that is highly respected and acceptable. To recognize these emotions are also part on how we can cope with the situation. It is in this time that we need to stick to people who really matter in our lives. It is also a great time to reconnect and build better and nurturing relationships. To sulk so long a time into negativity will not help us rather, we can find or discover more of our ourselves. There are so many beautiful and worthwhile things that we can do. It is my hope that people still choose to see the beauty of what we are all going through. That you are not alone. That we are all a blessing and can be a blessing to one another. This is our reality now. And anyway, nothing can stop us from celebrating. Not even this virus can stop us from appreciating and looking forward to the season and all the days of our lives. It still is and will always be a time of joy, love and peace. What makes this year very special is that this season is and will totally be one for the books. God bless us always! Stay happy and motivated always. Cheers to good life! 🙂

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