Amazing Journey

The past week was definitely filled with colors. Bright colors, yes. I could not contain the happiness I feel inside when with strong faith that finally, the universe has indeed conspired to meeting someone worth all the wait. The words I keep with me… Patience, Hope, Faith, Love, Trust and of course, Resilience in all of the decisions I have to make. Indeed, nothing comes easy in this world but as long as we have pure intentions in our heart, and not give up, the Heavens hear our fervent prayers. I will not get tired uttering the words, lucky, blessed, thankful, grateful for being surrounded by good and beautiful people and to meet one great person from the other side of the planet makes everything more worthwhile. The journey we have is definitely not an easy road to take but it is with our determination to make it work. All in. All out. It may appear scary that everything comes easy now and that it is all unfolding with God’s great timing, I am determined and strongly believe that it is a well-deserved process. It is my turn to taste what it feels like to be given and exerted an effort to. And that person, he deserves the best, too. Now that I have it in my plate, I will keep reminding myself of how blessed I am and that I have to remain faithful and humble at all times. We both have waited long enough and we thank the Heavens for finally allowing our meeting. Thank you, Jonathan. You are truly a blessing. Thank you for the effort and for having the courage of meeting the family I dearly love. That really means a lot to me. I am so lucky and blessed that you found me and we both found each other. I am truly blessed to have you. You are beyond an amazing peson. Thank you Lord. Thank you sweet Jesus. Let’s continue thisĀ  amazing journey together holding hands and loving each other sincerely and faithfully, with God as our guide always. God bless us always. Vielen Dank mein Mann. Cheers to happy and good life always!