Jeepney Chronicles 17

At long last! I haven’t visited my blog in a very long while. Having enough time is indeed a privilege for me these past months. Not just with my blog but even having enough time to do other things. I have to make time to make things work and be possible. I cannot deny that things are really very tiringĀ  and you wished that one day, you just want a quiet moment,sit and waste time without the guilt. To come up with a big decision is really causing serious head ache if someone is focused on a particular goal. They say, you cannot have the best of both worlds so, a sacrifice is really a must. It takes a big leap and courage to step out of the something if it’s clear with you that you want some shift in life. Anyway, I will have a separate blog about life’s wisdom learned recently, for now, I want to focus and emphasize more on talking and bragging about the boss baby in the house.

HE goes by the name Gabryjel Aiden. He is now 3 months old. We thank the Heavens for his life everyday. We are also forever thankful that finally, he gave us an angel that is actually breathing and living. For those who somehow who reads my blog, you would understand where this thought is coming from. For those who have no idea, we lost my sister’s first baby. Nevertheless, all are great blessings. Baby Pio (parents are devotees of Padre Pio), as how we fondly call him, is sure a great joy to all of us. I am privileged that I get to touch, see and play with him. Pio is a happy and bubbly baby. I enjoy carrying him even if his weight is really a challenge. Well, it’s really nice that his weight is consistently showing progress. Such an active baby boss. Whenever I have moments with him, I realize how simple life is. I become emotional but no definite explanation why I have that feeling.. I just feel it. Just my heart feels something. To stare at him is heaven. His innocence is so pure. I know all babies are. I realized that babies teach us to live in the present. It would be pointless to think of the future. Present is where we enjoy being with each other. Simple moments are actually the most precious times of our lives and gives us more memory to keep. Babies teach us to savor each moment.

Happy 3rd month our dear boss baby! Thank you sweet Jesus for your life. We surely love you forever. Cheers!